You are here: Creating Documentation > Topic Editor > Topic Properties
Doc-O-Matic 10
Topic Properties

You can change how your topics appear in Help systems and in your PDF document by assigning properties to your topics such as titles and flags. All values that are set here are inserted as tags at the beginning of a topic.

  1. If not already open, click the up arrow in the lower-right corner of the window to display the Topic Properties inspector.
  2. Place your cursor in the line of the Topic Property you want to change.
  3. In the Title Image box browse, to open the Edit Image dialog box.
  4. In the Alias and Combine box browse, to open the Topic ID Picker.
  5. Enter the Topic Properties you want to add.
  6. Press enter to confirm your entries. Focus changes to the next property.

This table shows all topic properties:

Title and Keywords
Sets the title of a topic. For details, see Topic Title.
TOC Title
Sets the title of a topic in the TOC. For details, see Topic Title.
Title Image
The title image of a topic. For details, see Adding Title Images and Flags.
A list of keywords and subentries that are added to indexes when generating the output. For details, see Indexing.
A list of keywords that are used for context sensitive Help when you integrate your Help 2 into Visual Studio or Borland Help. For details, see Indexing
Alias, Combine Copy
Alias Topic
A topic that supplies the entire documentation for the current topic. For details, see Reusing Topic Contents.
Alias of
A list of topics for which the current topic supplies the entire documentation. For details, see Reusing Topic Contents.
Combine Topic
A topic that supplies the documentation (excluding declaration source) for the current topic. For details, see Reusing Topic Contents.
Combine With
A list of topics for which the current topic supplies the documentation (excluding declaration source). For details, see Reusing Topic Contents.
Copy Topic
A topic that supplies content for the current topic. Title and automatically created parts appear for the current topic. For details, see Reusing Topic Contents.
Copy To
A list of topics for which the current topic supplies content. For details, see Reusing Topic Contents.
Auto Linking
Override the project's autolinking configuration for this topic. For details, see Automatic Linking.
Body Source
Override the project's body source code configuration for the this topic. For details, see Code Presentation.
A list of short purely informational text. Used to attach certain information to a topic, like "new in version 2". For details, see Adding Title Images and Flags.
Version Specific
A version information for the current topic that allows Doc-O-Matic to decide whether or not the topic is up-to-date. For details, see Selecting Topics for the Export.
Change the documentation status of symbol and generic topics to unfinished.
External Topics
An HTML file that is used as external source for the respective topic. The file including all formatting is included in your HTML output.
PDF File
An image file that is used as external source for the respective topic. The image is included in the PDF file.

Export Version Checks

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