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> Files and Format > HTML, HTML Help, MS Help 2, Help Viewer
HTML, HTML Help, MS Help 2, Help Viewer
Printed Documenation
> Layout > Page Header/Footer > Header/Footer Feedback Link
Doc-O-Matic 10
Header/Footer Feedback Link

How to get here: In Settings on the HTML Configuration tab, select Files & Format > Layout > Page Header/Footer > Feedback

feedback link In Doc-O-Matic a link that opens an Email editor so that the user can sent his feedback on the current topic to the Help author. 

title links In Doc-O-Matic link that appear below the topic title on topic pages and other pages. In addition to navigation links the feedback-link can be displayed in the title links. Anchor links for sections also appear in the title links. Neither anchor links nor the feedback link are displayed in the Link section. 

TOPICID variable In Doc-O-Matic the predefined topic ID variable that is replaced by the topic ID of the current topic. 

TOPICTITLE variable In Doc-O-Matic the predefined topic title variable that is replaced by the topic title of the current topic. 

AUTHOREMAIL variable In Doc-O-Matic the predefined Email variable that is replaced by the Email address of the Help author. You can enter the Email address of the Help author on the [General Settings] > General or the Files & Format page. 

FBDESCRIPTION variable In Doc-O-Matic the predefined description variable for the feedback link. You can enter your own description text on the Files & Format > Layout > Feedback Variables page. 

FBLINKTEXT variable In Doc-O-Matic the predefined link text variable for the feedback link. You can enter your own link text on the Files & Format > Layout > Feedback Variables page. 

FBSUBJECT variable In Doc-O-Matic the predefined subject variable for the subject of the feedback Email. You can enter your own Email subject on the Files & Format > Layout > Feedback Variables page.

Feedback Link Variable, Project Info, Header/Footer Links, Link Options, Layout, Variables, General Options, Files and Format

Page Header Feedback Link, Page Footer Feedback Link, Topic Links - Feedback

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