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Doc-O-Matic Tools
> Files and Format > HTML, HTML Help, MS Help 2, Help Viewer
HTML, HTML Help, MS Help 2, Help Viewer
Printed Documenation
> HTML Help > API Options
Doc-O-Matic 10
API Options

How to get here: In Settings on the HTML Configuration tab, select Files & Format > HTML Help > HTML Help API

Your installation includes the program MSDN Integrator© by Codejock, which helps you integrating your Help into MSDN.

API HELP_CONTEXT jumps (context-sensitive Help) A form of assistance in which a program that provides on-screen help shows information to the user concerning the current command or operation being attempted. 

map files Files that translate topic IDs to constants that you can use in C++ and Delphi. 

map.h,,, The filename extensions that identify HTML Help map files. Doc-O-Matic saves the files to the same folder as the HTML Help file and autonames them based on the project file name. 

.html.mapfunc.c, The filename extension that identifies files needed for dual Help system support. Doc-O-Matic saves the files to the same folder as the HTML Help file and autonames them based on the project file name. 

integration of Help systems The combining of an Help system with the Help system of an IDE. 

.chi The filename extension that identifies the index file for HTML Help. 


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