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> How can give text files another topic ID?
Doc-O-Matic 10
How can give text files another topic ID?

Plain text files can be added to a Doc-O-Matic project in the Project Manager. Doc-O-Matic automatically uses the filename of the plain text file as topic ID. 

To assign another topic ID to your file, do one of the following:

  • Change the filename.
  • Add another topic ID using the Topic Identifier.
  • Include a text file in a DTX file using the include tag or the Insert > Text Include command in the Topic Editor. If you include a text file, you do not have to change the file name of your text file.

To include a text file named description.txt and the topic ID New Topic ID:

  • Create a DTX file named description.dtx (the name is not important) with the following content:
----------- begin ----------- @@New Topic ID <include description.txt> ----------- end -----------
  • Add the dtx file to the project. The topic New Topic ID, which contains text from your txt file description, is part of your project.
  • Another way to assign another topic ID to the content of your plain text file is to transform it into a DTX file. Topic IDs in DTX files can be changed easily. For details, see Plain Text Files.

Including a text file using the include tag you can only include one topic per file. Manually inserted Topic Identifiers are not recognized using the include tag.

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