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> Documenting without Editor > Property Tags > Flag and Titleimg Tag
Doc-O-Matic 10
Flag and Titleimg Tag

You can use flags to attach small pieces of text information (such as status information) to a topic. For example, use the flag New in version 2.0 or Deprecated since version 1.4. Use flags for 1-4 words. In the output and in the TOC flags appear to the right of the topic title. Flags can be used as criterion for creating reports and as attributes for filtercriterions for Help 2 filter.

Title Images

Use title images to underline or characterize specific topic titles. They give your documentation an individual appearance. The height of the image should not exceed the height of the title text; a height of about 20 to 30 pixels is a good value. Title images are displayed in front of the title text. Insert the titleimg or the property tag and the attribute titleimg and the name of the image without file extension, to show an image next to the title.

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